
How clarity can help us to re calibrate professionally and personally while in isolation.

Like most of us, in this time of the COVID-19 crisis, I have spent a lot of time at home. During this time, I reflected on the value of CLARITY and what it can do for me.   Getting CLARITY on something is about finding the “WHAT” we are looking for. When the WHAT gets really clear, it becomes the “IT”.

The experience of CLARITY exists only inside our brain, therefore, is our own clarity. It is up to us to pin it down and make our own sense of it.  I found clarity to be an unbelievably important thinking asset. Getting CLARITY gives me peace, focus, certainty and a sense of lucidity. For me as a designer clarity helps me to connect with my project’s intent and purpose, as much as how to evolve and reinforce the idea behind the WHAT I’m working towards.  CLARITY assists me in identifying WHAT I’m trying to design, understand or solve.  

CLARITY relates to light, sound, feelings…I can see/hear/feel clearly now what this mean for me…  CLARITY is fundamental in all areas of our lives. We need CLARITY in what we do at work, in our relationships, in our planning, finances, health, personal growth and so on.   

Have you ever felt that with CLARITY everything started making sense at once, and all of a sudden you saw it and felt it all around you?  The clearer we are about what we want, the easier it is for us to connect with what is important to us, what we need to know and what is relevant for us at any time.  

Having CLARITY will help us identify WHAT we want or need, and hopefully finding it sooner rather than later. 


On our professional relevance.